So you’re a homophobic or transphobic or fat phobic or ableist internet troll and you just came here to make trouble.
First of all, welcome! Weird thing to say right? But we appreciate that you’re curious enough about Kelli to click around here. Okay okay maybe you just came to make trouble, but in the meantime wouldn’t you like to look around? Yeah, that what we thought!
If you have a personal relationship with Jesus and that’s what disturbs you about queerness and acceptance or queer and trans stories in the mainstream, Kelli is a proud graduate of Warner Christian Academy and a proud drop out (or kick out depends on who you’re asking) of Mid America Bible College and she built a page just for you.

If you have another actual question, including a question that you don’t know exactly the right words for, or that might get you punched if you ask it of a muscle queen at gay pride, Kelli wants to chat! You can text Kelli at 215.964.1963 and she’ll answer you.
But this means sincere queries only. Don’t text a death threat, that’s just silly. It’s not even a question.