Coming early fall 2024!
Help! We all need it at some point in our lives. And Kelli Dunham is a nonbinary nurse, comedian, and ex-nun on a mission to change how we ask for—and offer—it. Every week on Second Helping, Kelli is answering a new call for help, and calling on friends and experts for guidance. Whether you’re a professional caregiver, caring for a family member or friend, or seeking support, Kelli’s at your service. Second Helping is hosted by Kelli Dunham and produced by Kinehora Productions.

If you’d to to know when we’re debuting, sign up for the info-only mailing list, but if you’d like to know when we’re debuting AND you’d to like read a funny and helpful post (about twice a month) from Kelli, subscribe to her (free) substack. We recommend the second option. But will of course, love you just as much if you choose the first option.