Here’s the part where folks have been talking about Kelli behind her back. Well and sometimes to her face. Or over skype. Or on the phone. Well. You get the picture.
-Kelli was interviewed about Queering Marriage for WUNC, a North Carolina NPR affiliate
-Last year Kelli was recently featured in a–you’re really really not going to believe this–article in the STYLE section of the NYT. This is the person who has worn the same blue hoodie for more than a decade? She talked with Shane O’Neill for Shane’s ground-breaking piece Defining Nonbinary Work Wear.

-Kelli was recently well, the face of nonbinary menopause for I Am Stripes

And was profiled in a lovely piece by Michele Wojciechowski on the DailyNurse

Thinking about contact Kelli for press type reasons?
–Kelli gives great interview and will talk candidly and hilariously on subjects from LGBT health to religion to caregiving to Lego stop motion brickfilms. And sad things like grief and loss.
.–Please don’t ask her about what kind of underwear nuns wear.
-Well, okay if you really want to ask. But it’s really just underwear. Despite the fact that calling it nun-derware is way more fun.

–Kelli interviewed on Pink News–Advocate Magazine Profile by DESIRÉE GUERRERO

–Too much self-esteem? Insufficient docility? Refinery 29 asked ALL the questions

-New York Times Weekend Pick

Kelli’s story of finding masculine friendship after the death of her partner was featured on the first episode of Queerly Beloved, Broadly/Vice’s podcast about the beautiful reality of queer relationships.
“Breaking Up WIth Jesus- My Best Break Up

“What doesn’t kill you makes you weirder” Coming Back Podcast
Kelli talked for a verrrrry long time with Ari Shaffir’s Skeptic Tank
“Wait….lesbians use toys?”-an interview on the Em Dash Podcast.
Tristan Taramino interviews Kelli for her Sex Out Love podcast, “…on laughter, grief and caregiving…”
Episode 6 of FAT CHICKS ON TOP.
Kelli’s interview with Anne Esacove at the Alice Paul Center at University of Penn
The Religious Socialist Podcast
Let’s Get Civical: Cake Walk, Cake Talk
Michele Carlo’s Fish Out of Aqua Podcast
Ellen Karis/ Karis Comedy Corner
Professional Jealousy Makeover: We Love You And So Can You
facebook, youtube & twitter & instagram

You can reach Kelli directly at