Hilarious comedic storytelling from everyone’s favorite ex-nun genderqueer nerd comic.
Do you HATE stand up comedy?
No worries. You’ll still love Not the Gym Teacher.
Comedy Cake calls NTGT “hilarious” and The Serious Comedy Site describes Not the Gym Teacher by saying “There is an honesty and generosity in the routines that make them superior…”
You can download it from Apple Music or wherever you buy, stream, or borrow music.
Tracks include:
Feline Ponzo Scheme
My Dead Lover’s Cat
Deep Biological Optimism
Not The Gym Teacher
Regrettable Tattoos
And more!
We had so much fun on the NTGT house concert tour…definitely a before times kinda tour!
We were in Cleveland OH 2/16, Hiram College, OH 2/17 &18, Grand Rapids MI 2/19, Pittsburgh 2/22, and Buffalo NY 2/23.
Mid-April Kelli toured through Florida and Mississippi. Join Kelli’s mailing list for more details. Want to host a house concert or a show in your progressive church? We’re looking for spots. See below for details.

All the preview shows for NOT THE GYM TEACHER were free house concerts with the hat being passed for progressive/radical (mostly immigration-related) causes and it was pretty frickin’ amazing. If you’d like to plan a house concert for the resistance –and yes, you get to pick the cause–we’ve put together a whole guide here. Complete list on the House Concerts page but we’ve got dates in the Midwest in Feburary and Florida & Missippi in April.
To support travel to concerts in out of the way places that most need queer comedy, Kelli is offering up her back catalog of CDs on NoiseTrain; you can download for free, but if you’d like to tip, you’re making it possible for Kelli to spend her winter and spring break on the Megabus spreading the Not the Gym Teacher gospel. All sales of the ANGRY QUEER TEES on teepublic also go to support the tour!

Speaking, um, of
If YOU are with an LGBT group at a Bible College or Christian university that has a conduct code that excludes LGBT folks from existing, and you want to host Not the Gym Teacher, please email kellidunhambooking@gmail.com (BUT NOT FROM YOUR BIBLE COLLEGE EMAIL PLEASE) and we’ll chat. We’ll find a safe place off campus or in the local community and Kelli will even make you one of her tasty Bible College casseroles!

NOT the Gym Teacher is directed by the brilliant and hilarious Gastor Alamonte.

Everyone’s favorite ex-nun genderqueer nerd comic is back with a new show and the same hilarious confusion about daily life.
Why doesn’t anyone think her diagrammed sentence tattoo is sexy?
Why don’t people want to discuss comparative death rituals on the first date?
Why does every high school student in the five boroughs think Kelli is their gym teacher?
Why does Kelli keep having so so many BAD ideas?
Kelli Dunham is the genderqueer ex-nun storytelling nurse comic so common in modern Brooklyn. Kelli has appeared on Showtime and the Discovery Channel, the Moth Mainstage, the Cinderblock Comedy Festival, the Risk podcast, the Gotham Storytelling Festival, and nationwide at colleges, prides, fundraisers and even the occasional livestock auction. Kelli was nominated as a 2105 White House Champion of Change (NOT under the current administration) for her work as the co-founder and producer of Queer Memoir, NYC’s longest-running most super earnest LGBT storytelling event.
Kelli is the author of seven hilarious nonfiction books about very not humorous subjects (include kids’ guides to puberty) and recently helped set the Guiness World Record for longest comedy show/multiple performers.
New York Mayor Bill DeBlasio once called Kelli a show off. To her face.