HI and thanks for coming here! I appreciate your help getting the word out about SECOND HELPING and all the other workshops and presentations I offer.
You know, so this new show called SECOND HELPING is a hilarious and surprisingly hopeful journey through grief, death and exploding knee replacements and –most importantly and overall–the importance of learning how to ask for and accept help.
And so here I am, taking my own advice and asking for help. Even though it makes me feel a little bit funny and this all is getting kinda meta. Could you please help spread the word about this show and my other work? I get nearly all of my bookings from referrals because people are justifiably afraid of comedians being loose cannons. Starting in July, I will have a lot more freedom to travel for presentations which I’m super excited about but I could use your assistance filling up my schedule.
SECOND HELPING especially feels really personal to me, and it’s also a culmination in many ways of my work up to this point. Plus, not being able to ask for help has made my life SO MUCH HARDER for absolutely no good reason. I really want to pass along this message of interdependence, mutual aid and letting people help you!

How can you let folks know about what I do and why they should book me?
Option 1
The best and easiest way to refer folks to me is send ’em right here. Well, not right here, this page, but my website in general. You can direct them more specifically to the relevant page where there are completed evals, tons of testimonials and more information about what I can offer:
Some links:
Second Helping generally, and for colleges and healthcare providers/students in the health sciences
Colleges (LGBT groups, and schools of nursing, oh and I especially love a Lavendar Graduation
Healthcare providers and students in the health sciences
Presentations/workshops about humor in hard times
Presentations for consumers about health, wellness, and medical self-advocacy
Trainings in LGBT health and cultural competency-(my specialty is organizations with factions of resistant folks, especially secondary to religious affiliation)
PLEASE NOTE: ALL my presentations are CEU-ready with ready-to-go learning objectives and relevant citations to peer-reviewed literature. .
Option 2
If you want to send a stand-alone email I’ve pasted some potential options for language below. Or of course you can write your own. I promise I’m not trying to micro-manage y’all, just trying to make it easier.
Option 3
Pressed for time but still have a booking idea? I made a google form that will take you less than three minutes to fill out!
As an embarrassingly small token of my thanks, if I successfully book a show/presentation because of your referral I have an EP called Pass the Jokes Folks, it’s a collection of comedic storytelling I’ve done over the years and will not be available ANYWHERE except as a part of this special promotion. Oh and also you’ll be able to pick from one item from all the designs I’ve created on my TeePublic shop which includes not just (as you’d expect) tee shirts, but also coffee cups, mouse pads, aprons and waaaaay more.
Okay, thanks so so so so much!

This is my friend Kelli Dunham. I know her from [insert here], she’s an amazing [performer, trauma-informed comedian, presenter, friend, storyteller, soul, nurse, skateboarder, educator, macrame artist] and she has a new show called Second Helping which is a hilarious comedic storytelling presentation about grief, death, exploding knee replacements, and most importantly learning how to accept help. Kelli will be doing a month-long run at the Edinburgh Fringe this August and is looking for more bookings for the rest of 2023 and 2024, especially college, healthcare facilities and conferences, and nonprofit organizations.
Kelli’s work is very personal, and yes, funny, and also gently practical. SECOND HELPING even has a workshop on the nuts and bolts of asking for assistance and finding ways to build mutual aid into our communities and lives. This is such an important issue and this is such an entertaining and unique way to communicate about it.
Kelli has been designing health and wellness-related workshops and presentations using harm reduction and trauma-informed principles since 2009. Kelli has presented at the Five College Gender and Sexuality Conference, Citibank, Colorado State University Health Care System, American Publishers Association, American Association of Vocational Rehab Counselors State Conference, Amnesty International), Firefly Writing Conference, St Francis Women’s Health Conference, Nursing Conventionality Unlimited, PA State Maternal Child Health Home Visitors Association , the National Association of Victims in Corrections, The Oklahoma State Child Abuse Prevention Conference, Pennsylvania State Home Visitors Conference, the Nurse-Family Partnership Annual Convening and many many more, as well as more than a hundred collges and schools.
Kelli was nominated as a 2105 White House Champion of Change for her work as the co-founder and producer of Queer Memoir, NYC’s longest-running LGBT storytelling event.
I thought of you because [you have a college connections, you have a connection at a nursing conference, you are the president of a bank, you recently set a world’s record for pogo sticking]
And thought you might be interested in Kelli’s [SECOND HELPING, presentations for healthcare providers, workshops for college students, writing workshops etc etc]