Bowery Poetry Club NYC
Kelli will be recording a full hour of new material for her CD
With Elsa Waithe and Jes Tom emceeing!
So for my 47th bday, I’m doing that same Star Trek/Wars/Hobbit/My Amazing Sister Beth thing; I’m recording an audio version of my latest book FREAK OF NURTURE that you can download 100 percent free. But I’m doing it one chapter at a time, releasing one a week, and the chapters are selected to go along with the theme ON MY 47th BIRTHDAY; FOUR THINGS I KNOW AND SEVEN THINGS I AM STILL GETTING WRONG.
So here’s thing #1 I know; EVERYONE CRIES ON THE A TRAIN.
The world is messed up. We’ve got plenty to cry about. And contrary to what I’m pretty sure I read in children’s book only sold in rural Wisconsin, there is not a Toughness Fairy that collects all your unshed tears in a golden bottle and gives you cash for them at the end of each decade of life.
Listen (or download) right here!
Thanks to Tom Leger at Topside Press for creating the graphics used here! Check out of all Topside’s award-winning titles!.
Wanted to pick up a copy of HEY LET’S GET A PAP EXAM at Philly Trans Health Conference but Kelli didn’t have anymore? Here you go, free free free for download, the the copy of the first issue of F*** Your Health. Issue 1 is called Hey Let’s Get A Pap Exam and includes
-Pap exam cheerleading
-How to find a provider
-Prepping for the appointment
-Talking with the provider
-Staying grounded during the exam
The “WHAT I NEED TO GET THROUGH THIS, DAMNIT” worksheet you can fill out and give to your provider
You can download it 100 percent free, right here.
.Fuck Your Health – #1 – Pap Exam – booklet file
You can also buy a hard copy in person at Kelli’s shows or the next Queer Memoir.
If you want to donate something for the zine, all the proceeds will go to make hard copies to give out to folks who need it but don’t have the cash.
This is probably pretty self-evident but this is NOT SAFE FOR WORK NOR FAMILY OF ORIGIN (that includes Kelli’s family of origin too!) Use those headphones!
The CD is totally free BUT If you want to donate something to support Kelli’s series of health zines, F*** Your Health (you can download the first one HEY LET’S GO GET A PAP EXAM, for FREE right here (Fuck Your Health – #1 – Pap Exam – booklet file) you can do so with through Kelli’s link at Venmo or with the paypal button below. But no big deal either way. Just have a good weekend and remember you are super precious and important and anyone who tells you different is an asshole.
PS Wondering who Kelli is introducing at the end of the last track, It’s the brilliant Red Durkin! she is a hilarious comic who now lives in the Bay Area. Hire her for your next event!
PSS Many huge huge thanks to Theo Czerevko who did the original recording for this event and D’lo who generously did the editing and mastering.
PSSS Also big thanks to Stacy Bias who rescued my website from something Kelli did that made it disappear and Tom Leger at Topside Press who did all the layout and editorial advisement for the F*** Your Health Zine #1.
Kelli’s entire website disappeared.
It will be back soon. In the meantime, check her out on facebook, twitter or check out the website for her most recent book, Freak of Nurture.
You can also just email her at kellidunhambooking and ask her to come perform at your school/church/pride event.
You can do that right now!
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